At Wesley’s Chapel we aim to provide activities to suit all ages; both during our Sunday service, and midweek.
If you have ideas of further ways we can serve the children and youth in our community, please contact the Leysian Missioner, Thomas Smith, at or via the church office.
Stay & Play
Wednesday 10.30-11.45am (term time only)
Radnor Hall
Stay and Play is open for all pre-school children and their carers/parents. It is held in a large room which is full of toys for the children to choose from. There’s plenty of space to run, cycle, or drive around! All are welcome to drop in/out of the session as best suits their child’s routine.
The session has an informal structure, offering plenty of time for grownups to talk and share together. The group is mostly free play, with themed activities on an occasional basis. The session often finishes with a time of singing.
For more details, please contact the Leysian Missioner, Thomas Smith, at or via the church office.
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Boys’ Brigade & Girls’ Association
Term time only
Boys’ Brigade & Girls’ Association
– Juniors (ages 4-9) & Intermediates (ages 10-13):
Tuesdays 6.30-8.00pm
– Seniors (ages 14+):
First Tuesday of the month 7.45-9.15pm
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Sunday School
Our Sunday School takes places as part of our Sunday Morning Service (11am). We have Sunday School programmes designed to cater for those in pre-school, all the way to school year 14. At present there is no Youth Club, teenagers are encouraged to be part of the service, and notebooks are available to help them follow the sermons.
For Under 5s the creche corner is available before, during and after services, it’s also available for use whenever the Chapel is open if you’re visiting. For more details, please click here.
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