Services & Recitals


Lunchtime Recital

Main Chapel

A cultural break from the grind of the working day for local workers and passers-by. Soloists, instrumentalists, and ensembles offer a wide range of programmes including Jazz, chamber and popular music. Our contributors hail from local colleges and universities as well as from further afield. For our full events calendar, please click here.


Lunchtime Communion Service

Foundery Chapel

A traditional Communion Service with a short sermon at the mid-point in the working week.


Taizé Candlelit Prayer Service

7-8pm (First Sunday of the month)
Radnor Hall

Contemplative prayer with an international spirit in the style and with the songs of the Taizé community


Communion Service

9.45-10.15am (except first Sunday of the month)
Foundery Chapel

A traditional Communion Service with a short sermon.


Morning Service

11am-12.15pm (with Communion on the first Sunday of the month)
Main Chapel

The main Service of the week which attracts a large congregation drawn from every corner of the world. A traditional service with lively congregational singing, sermon, Sunday School, and choir items from our own and visiting choirs. After the Service, refreshments are served for those able to stay and tours are available for those who have attended worship.